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Access database essay assignment

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Write a SQL statement to display Students’ First and Last Name.




Write a SQL statement to display the Major of students with no duplications. Do not display student names.




Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 88888.




Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 88888 and have the major of Biology.




Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 88888 or 88808. Do not use IN.




Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who have the major of Biology or Math. Use the SQL command IN.




Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who have the Status greater than 1 and less than 10. Use the SQL command BETWEEN.




Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students who have a last name that starts with an S.




Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last Name of students having an a in the second position in their first names.




Write a SQL expression to display the Status and a sum of the Status of each Status value as SumOfStatus. Group by Status and display the results in descending order of SumOfStatus.


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