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Business with healthcare essay assignment

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From reading “What is a mission,value and vision statement?

Why are the values referred to as an organization’s guiding principles? In what sense do values constitute a directional strategy for an organization? Illustrate with a health care institution example

Each organization needs values to direct the day-by-day exercises completed in it. Values are a vital element in human decision‐making. Individuals working in an organization guided by values tend to feel liberated. They can give their best in whatever they have been assigned to do. They are likewise prepared to be creative to make the organization develop to a superior spot. Values can be encouraging, or they can be possibly constraining. For instance, the positive estimation of “trust” is crucial for making a firm remain united. The possibly constraining benefit of “being a favorite” can make individuals trade off their trustworthiness with a specific end goal to fulfill their requirement for the organization. Moreover, the possibly restricting estimation of “administration” can bring about unbending nature and point of confinement in an organization (Tichenor, H. T, 2008).

Student 1

alues are enduring beliefs or ideals shared by public procurement and our stakeholders about what is and what is not good or appropriate in our actions. Values exert major influence on the behavior of an individual and serve as broad guidelines. We depend on values to construct the frameworks of our professional lives. Values influence how we make choices, what choices we make, and how we are to be judged on our actions by the stakeholders. Organizational values speak to your place in the world and how you interact with all of your stakeholders. Values are the qualities that transform a company’s mission and vision into reality.  In core, values outline communal cultureand play an important role in our everyday activities as managers.

Business with healthcare essay assignment

Guiding Principles establish the fundamental norms, rules, or ethics that represent what is desirable (values) and affirmative for our profession and help us determine the rightfulness or wrongfulness of our actions.  Principles are more explicit than values, and are meant to govern action. There are a few basic assumptions concerning the Guiding Principles. Some of these include but not limited to:

·         The principles are broadly intended to cover all levels and variations of public sector procurement. However, some practitioners will work in contexts in which following a particular Guiding Principle cannot be done for good reason. The Guiding Principles are not intended to constrain such practitioners when this is the case. However, such exceptions should be made for good reason (e.g., legal prohibitions against certain actions), and public sector procurement professionals who find themselves in such contexts are encouraged to consult colleagues about how to proceed.

·         The principles are intended to guide the professional practice of public procurement, and to inform procurement stakeholders (elected officials, managers, citizens, etc.) about the principles they can expect to be upheld by public procurement professionals. Of course, no statement of principles can anticipate all situations that arise in the practice of public procurement. However, principles are not just guidelines for action when something goes wrong or when a dilemma is found. Rather, principles should proactively guide the behaviors of professionals in everyday practice (Thyssen, 2009).

The principles are not independent, but overlap in many ways. Conversely, sometimes these principles will conflict, so that public procurement professionals will have to choose among them. At such times, public procurement professionals must use their judgment and knowledge of the setting to determine the appropriate response. Whenever a course of action is unclear, these individuals are encouraged to solicit the advice of fellow procurement professionals about how to resolve the problem before deciding how to proceed.

While employing values ought to be the qualities we look for during job interviews., people who prove our organizational values, should be the ones we hire.  For example, if having a customer focus is one of core values of our company values, then asking questions about delivering customer service will be supposed to be the key. In job training every company should include their organizational values in orientation.  In fact, they should be strengthened during every company drill program.  Think about the impact of being able to link company values to leadership (Luby, 2010). Performance assessment systems should be included in the company’s organizational values.  One should be rewarded upon performance that supports organizational values. It seems so simple that the organizational values help a great deal in achieving of our success.  Therefore, they are always looked for, trained to improvise their skills and recognition & rewards established upon them. (Lauby 2010) But in reality, plenty of cases are seen where the values of a business says are important aren’t the ones that get lay emphasis on or recognized.  It is wondered that’s because the organizations are conflicted between which values to select and which not to among a lot of proper valued choices. (Leyla Norman) or example, there are a lot of companies we know of that thrive on an entrepreneurial culture.  They are competitive, profit/results driven and have a marvelous sense of earnestness.  But their values don’t reproduce any of these attributes. Because those words might have some negative implications. Organizational values are sorely unique to each company.  They shouldn’t just be politically correct marketing terms.  Values shouldn’t just be diplomatically correct marketing terms.  Values should be the representative of the culture of the business.  It is all right to be reasonable and profit driven.  In some industries, it’s a necessity. (Leyla Norman)


Student 2

Why are the values referred to as an organization’s guiding principles? In what sense do values constitute a directional strategy for an organization? Illustrate with a health care institution example.

Values are referred to an Organization’s guiding principles have become synonymous with values due to the way the organization has depicted its ethics, morals and creed. In general, the principles that the organization deem important and of value will be the ones the the organization will use these to oversee company functions, business and culture. Once the culture of the business is determine which was set by the values, then all parties affiliated with the organization will have to make their adjustments to make sure everyone is satisfied.  These values should emphasize morals, standardized behavior and ethics within the company. These principles emphasize ethics, moral codes, and behavioral standards in the workfield. Having similar and/ or the same values makes everyone in the company have similar goals to obtain. (World Health Organization 2007) One of the things that helps with having company wide goals is that it can give the company direction in their strategic planning. Therefore, a path for the organization can be made and all of the employees can follow. In following the path; morals, ethics and business planning will all occur.

Furthermore, in a healthcare organization the strategic planning should be based around patient care. Therefore, having a well functioning organization should combine  providing patient satisfaction with fiscal responsibility by the company. The main goal should be to keep the patient satisfied while maintaining and adhering to the organization’s guide principles. The values assist in establishment of directional strategy for the organization.

An example of healthcare undergoing strategic planning while adhering to its values and/ or guided principles could be a catholic hospital where the board members refuse to do abortions. (Connery 1977) Even though there are mixed emotions and multiple reasons why people in general could be for or against abortions. In this case, the catholic hospital made a rule, value and guideline principle to not conduct abortions at their hospital. This principle will shape the way other healthcare professionals affiliated at this organization will conduct healthcare. That means that none of the healthcare affiliates will conduct abortions no matter the circumstance. This is an example of how the values set by the healthcare organization will strategic influence business, ethics and morals at healthcare organization while maintaining business principles and fiscal responsibility. Even though abortions can be make an estimated millions of dollars in revenue, if an healthcare organization chooses not to conduct them; they will forfeit that revenue but make it up in other services that they provide. (Jones 2013) One of the catholic hospitals that does not perform abortions is St. John Providence in Southfield, Michigan. They have a strict policy on no abortions and their staff is not suppose to conduct those tasks as well.  Yet, this hospital is still operating and providing healthcare.

Thus, with a healthcare organization setting guidelines and principles thru their value system, certain strategies will be put in place.  Therefore, maintaining fiscal responsibility and keeping true to your values can still be profitable as illustrated by St John Providence Hospital in Southfield, Michigan.

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