Case study analysis:Professional responsibilities

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Case study analysis:Professional responsibilities essay assignment

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Examine the Case Study for your analysis about professional responsibilities and decision-making during a crisis called “Command at Sea.” In teams or partners, discuss the decision possibilities within the case study and create a report of your findings. Be sure to read and understand the case thoroughly.


Writer summarizes the case, showing in-depth understanding and a compelling purpose for writing. Introduces possible perspectives to be detailed in the report.

Analysis Quality

Both team collaboration and individual critical thought are evident and are clearly and compellingly presented.

Grammar, Mechanics, Style, Format, Quality of Thought

Grammar refers to correct Standard American Usage, e.g., subject/verb agreement and use of correct parts of speech. Mechanics refers to correct idiomatic usage, e.g., capitalized proper nouns, word choice, and word order. Style (5 pts) refers to dynamic writing, avoiding passive constructions, writing that shows, describes, and compels the reader’s interest. Evident care has been taken in composing; there are few errors, and they do not significantly interfere with meaning. APA format has been followed scrupulously.


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