Moebius Syndrome

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Moebius Syndrome essay assignment

Topic: Moebius Syndrome-Psychological aspects focusing on depression.(about12-15 pages)

·      Abstract

·      Patient Profile and Issue

Name:  Michael E. Pandy

Date of Birth:  6/13/2008

Age:  9

Sex:  Male

Occupation:  Student

Marital Status:  Single

Patient Demographics:  The patient is a 9-year-old, single, male, of Caucasian descent, which lives with his family in Anaheim, California, in a three-bedroom home.

Familial History and Significant Relationships:  The Patient is in a two-parent home with a brother and sister.  He described his social relations as non-existent because he is socially outcast. He described his relationship with his parents as “close and protective”.  He reported that he currently has a closer relationship with his family than with other students from his school.

Education and Employment History:  The patient reported that he is a third-grade student from Charter elementary school. His parents described him as intelligent with some hearing impairment with speech disorder. The patient is currently attending physical therapy and speech therapy after school three days a week.

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Presenting Issue: The patient was diagnosed with Moebius Syndrome in June 2008. He has been experiencing problems with feeding, motor delays, speech, hearing and cleft palate.

·      Introduction- 1 paragraph- problem/issue and thesis statement

·      Background – depression (4 para) and Moebius (1-2 para)

o   Begin using level headings, Historical, or important background information regarding issue(s)Keep in mind cultural, ethnicity, economic, sex, age, etc. issues

·      Literature Review- 5 Journal articles-min 5 paragraphs

Here are some articles I looked up chose to use or find new ones.

Bogart, K. R., M.A., & Matsumoto, D., PhD. (2010). Living with Moeibus syndrome:

Adjustment, social competence, and satisfaction with life. The Cleft Palate – Craniofacial Journal, 47(2), 134-42. Retrieved from

Anxiety disorders; studies from tufts university, department of psychology provide new data on anxiety disorders. (2010). Mental Health Weekly Digest, 66. Retrieved from

Meyer, Amy Ellwood, B.S.N.., R.N. (2015)

Stock, N. M., M. Sc, Feragen, K. B., PhD., & Rumsey, N., PhD. (2016). Adults’ narratives of growing up with a cleft lip and/or palate: Factors associated with psychological adjustment. The Cleft Palate – Craniofacial Journal, 53(2), 222-239. doi:

Locker, D., Jokovic, A., & Tompson, B. (2005). Health-related quality of life of children aged 11 to 14 years with orofacial conditions. The Cleft Palate – Craniofacial Journal, 42(3), 260-6. Retrieved from

Many of the groups did not differ with respect to oral symptoms or emotional well-being.

·      Methodology- Population, Methods, Results, Discussion

§  Research strengths

§  Research weaknesses

Future research considerations

·      Personal Reflection- 1st person allowed, Personal learning and reflections on patient profile and research being presented

·      Conclusion- 1 para and include call to action

·       Reference-Ten scholarly article citations

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