NURS 6321 Week 7: Curriculum and Program Design

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NURS 6321 Week 7: Curriculum and Program Design essay assignment

NURS 6321: Curriculum Development, Assessment, and Evaluation | Week 7 essay assignment

As you explored last week, the mission, vision, and philosophy of a setting impacts the components (mission, vision, and philosophy) of a curriculum or program. As you further develop your curriculum/program, this flow—or “trickle down effect”—continues, with each curriculum component impacting the end-of-program goals that you create. If you were to continue down this organizational, well-aligned chart, you would also find that the end-of-program outcomes are then used to create the individual learning objectives that learners will achieve throughout the curriculum or program.

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This week, you examine how and why nurse educators create individual learning objectives and end-of-program outcomes. You also use this week’s media to examine one specific method for crafting learning objectives that are both meaningful and measureable, a must for curriculum and programs to be successful.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Construct meaningful, measureable learning objectives
  • Construct a learning activity that addresses the learning needs of a specific audience
  • Evaluate how learning activities align to learning objectives
  • Analyze how learning objectives measure student, staff, or patient learning
  • Develop end-of-program outcomes

In this Discussion, you gain experience in crafting learning objectives that are both meaningful to the learning activity and also measure the learning that is taking place. To begin, consider the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: In-service for nursing staff

Orange City is a mid-sized town comprised mostly of elderly and retired Caucasian adults. Since the addition of a new highway, shopping mall, and various other small businesses, Orange City has seen a recent explosion of families moving into the area. Many of these families come from diverse backgrounds adding a new layer of cultural diversity to the city. Because the nurses at Orange City hospital have traditionally worked with the same type of clientele, many have been taken off guard when individuals deny certain health care measures due to religious or cultural beliefs. One day the nursing manager approaches you, the nurse educator, and asks if you could create an in-service that highlights the ways culture and religion can impact patient responses to medicine, preventative care, and treatment options.

Scenario 2: Patient training session

As a patient educator at an endocrinologist’s office, you have the important responsibility to educate patients on health management. The lead physician at your office explains that she would like to see all Type 1 and Type 2 insulin-dependent diabetes patients use the insulin pump instead of insulin injections. You know that many patients tend to shy away from the pump system because of initial discomforts and worries. However, you agree that the insulin pump helps patients to receive a steady basal rate into their system. The advantages of using the pump as a replication of the pancreas definitely outweigh the act of giving injections after food consumption. Now you must figure out how to communicate and motivate patients towards this way of thinking.

Scenario 3: Educational leadership course

As an experienced registered nurse and full-time faculty at Bay Area University, you know how important it is for nursing students to develop effective leadership skills. You also know that becoming a leader in the nursing profession involves the ability to effectively manage colleagues who initiate conflict in the workplace. In reading students’ reflections, you see that many note a level of discomfort in working with conflict-prone colleagues. You realize that you need to engage students in a learning activity that will increase their acumen in managing conflict situations in the workplace.

To prepare:

  • Reflect on this week’s Learning Resources, paying specific attention to the alignment between learning activities and learning objectives.
  • Review this week’s media, Crafting Learning Objectives, to examine an effective approach to crafting meaningful, measurable learning objectives.
  • Select one of the scenarios above for your posting. Then, consider the following questions:
    • What are the learning needs illustrated in the scenario?
    • What meaningful learning objectives could you craft to address these learning needs?
    • How could you use the learning objectives to create an educational, learner-centered activity?
    • What type of activity might you create to help your learners achieve the learning objectives?
    • How can you use the learning objectives to measure if learning has taken place?
  • Using your answers to the questions above, create learning objectives and a learning activity applicable to your scenario.

Posting Directions: When creating your post, use the title: “Learning activity for Scenario _____.”

By Day 3

Post a list of the meaningful, measureable learning objectives you constructed and a thorough description of your learning activity. Explain how this activity aligns to the learning objectives and justify how each of those objectives can be used to measure student, staff, or patient learning.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Offer and support an alternative learning objective that your colleague could have used.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

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