Project analysis

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Project analysis essay assignment

This document contains descriptions of four research projects (A, B, C and D). These are all actual research projects that were funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). They were funded when I wrote up this concept for an extra credit assignment, about a year ago, but I haven’t checked to see if they are still active projects. These descriptions include my explanations (some of which are heavily simplified) and quotes from the award abstract. Please use the descriptions from this document, rather than the actual references. In this document, I deliberately gave these projects goofy titles, making them sound quite trivial.
• (A) Reproductive organs in worms
• (B) Trees in a faraway forest
• (C) Tweaking the shape of bug wings
• (D) When grasshoppers don’t have elbow room

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Despite the goofy titles that I gave them, all are serious projects intended to advance human knowledge. You’ll have to read the descriptions to appreciate why. All were reviewed by a panel of experts and are (or were) supported by taxpayer-funded grants.
Based on the information given in the descriptions, and on information you learned in this class, form an opinion about the relative priority of each project. Decide which of these should be given the highest priority. In other words, if these four projects were under review for being cut, which one would you spare? Also, decide which of these should be given the lowest priority, and thus should be the first project cut, if funds become scarce. You’ll be asked to write two paragraphs.
• Paragraph 1: Which project is the highest priority and why? Write a paragraph clearly stating your opinion about which of these projects should have the highest priority, among these four. Clearly stating an underlying rationale for your opinion. Why did you choose it, rather than the other projects, as your highest priority?
• Paragraph 2: Which project is the lowest priority and why? Write a paragraph clearly stating your opinion about which of these projects should have the lowest priority, among these four. Clearly stating an underlying rationale for your opinion. Why did you choose it, rather than the other projects?
As with all writing assignments in this course, your essay is expected to be in your own words. If you do quote anything, you should put the quoted material in quotation marks. If it is a longer quote, then you may indent the quoted text. Please note that this is not a research assignment. You should be able to get everything you need for this assignment from this document and your textbook.
The grading rubric for this assignment is found on page 4 of this document.

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