The Continuous Quality Improvement Timeline

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Continuous Quality Improvement Timeline essay assignment

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Quality Improvement in health care has continuously grown throughout the years. Health care team members continuously ask themselves, “How are we doing?” and “Can we do it better?”


Research 4 to 5 events that have influenced changes in quality improvement and complete the timeline below by listing each event and writing a 75- to 175-word summary discussing each event and its effect on quality improvement in health care.


Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references and your textbook to support your information.


Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care Timeline
Date Event and Significance












Quality Dimension and Measures Table


Open your web browser and research the six dimensions identified by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) that are used to measure high-quality care.


Complete the table below by idenfiying the dimension, describing its purpose, and providing a measurement example.


Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references and your textbook to support your information.


Dimension Description Measurement Example



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